Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lots of Activities

I learned at Lincoln's school that this is Child Appreciation Week . . . isn't that every day? I mean Moms and Dads get a special day once per year, but I think kids get it year round! Anyway, there are lots of fun activities planned for the week. They had a modeling clay station set up for parents and kids to do together. Since I had Beau with us, they gave us a few packages to take home. Linc and I used cookie cutters to make Easter eggs, butterflies and flowers. I know, I know - not the most manly items, but we were talking about spring stuff. (I guess I'll need to go find some construction or tools cookie cutters to add to my collection.)

Lincoln really enjoyed the using the cookie cutters.

The finished product!

When Beau got up from his nap, we pulled out the Mickey shirts. Lincoln was so excited that Beau had one too! He kept pointing and telling me over and over! I made the mistake of telling him we could go outside after I took their picture. He yelled, "Done!" and scooted off the couch right away. Oh, well!

We bubble-mowed the whole street, visited with the neighbors, checked out the construction next door, and had lots of fun. Linc also got a haircut after school, and he was such a big boy! No tears and only a little fussing about the clippers. I'm glad he's not so scraggly-looking anymore!

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