Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy Weekend

It's been quite a busy weekend for the Kuhlmans. I only have a few pictures to prove it, but we all had lots of fun. After gymnastics on Saturday, Linc got to spend a lot of time outside on the swingset. He's a super climber. He's mastered the rock wall and pretty good at the ladder.

He's totally bossy and tells me which swing to sit in, when to climb up to join him, whether to use the slide or monkey bars, and on and on. I occasionally play along with his demands, but I often keep on swinging or hanging on the monkey bars. I think we're both getting a good bit of enjoyment from the swingset. He stopped to cheese out after he made it to the top!

Beau and Daddy did some bonding while I climbed with Linc. I think Beau likes to be outside as long as it's not too bright. I can't believe how much he's grown. He doesn't look like a newborn anymore, instead he looks like a big old baby!

Ammy and E came over to play for a while, and Linc did lots of giggling while they built towers with the blocks. He would just dissolve into fits of laughter when it crashed!

This weekend we also went to a Rangers game, church, brunch at Cindi's, a morning walk in the double stroller, and had a fun date night. Whew! I'm still tired thinking about it all. Good thing both of my boys slept until 8:00 this morning!!!!

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