Friday, May 6, 2011

Exciting Day!

It was a very exciting day at the Kuhlman's house . . . the swingset arrived!!!!! We've been anxiously awaiting its arrival and installation, and it's finally here. Lincoln enjoyed watching the construction process yesterday afternoon and tried to be patient about playing on it. He talked a lot about what all he was going to do.

"Lincoln swing, Mommy. Lincoln swing high, Mommy. Lincoln swing so high in the tree, Mommy. Bye, Mommy. Bye, Beau. Lincoln in the tree. Lincoln can't see you in the tree, Mommy. Hi, Mommy. Hi, Beau. Lincoln swing down now."

Is that the cutest, most imaginative little story ever!!!

Unfortunately it wasn't finished before bedtime, so I convinced him we had to wait until the morning. We all woke up bright and early to enjoy the super cool new playset.

(Sorry, I can't make this one rotate . . . cell phone pic.)While Lincoln was enjoying the beautiful day and exploring his new stuff, Beau was enjoying the quiet indoors! He had lots of funny looks today, so I'm posting several smiley faces!

Lincoln was braver than I thought he'd be about swinging, climbing and sliding by himself. We go to the park often, and he gets to slide at school, but this looked a bit large. He warmed up quickly, and Nana and Pops were here to help guide him through all the cool features. I know this is one swingset that will get lots of use . . . I can't wait until Beau and Linc are having swing contests, racing up the rock wall, and jumping off the fort. (Well, maybe not that last one!)

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