Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beau is 2 Months Old!

Sweet little Beau is two months old! We did what every other two month old does to celebrate . . . we went to the doctor! Dr. K was VERY impressed with Beau's size and sleeping habits, especially because he's a breast milk baby. Beau was on his best behavior and didn't mind any of the exam. Of course the shots were another story. He did ok but definitely didn't enjoy it! The first rotavirus vaccine was given (by mouth), and he sucked the little tube dry! Good boy - none of us want to go through that again. (Lincoln got rota two weeks before his last vaccine was scheduled, and he gave it to all of us!) Here are Beau's stats:

Weight - 13 pounds - 75th percentile - Beau's a great nurser and takes a bottle each evening. We're up to 7 ounces before bed, and he usually takes it all like a champ. I have resumed eating a wide range of foods, and the only thing I think bothered him was adding pico to quesadillas. He was pretty fussy after he drank that milk.

Height - 23 1\4 inches - 50th percentile - He looks like a normal height to me, so I'm good!

Head - 15 1\2 inches - 45th percentile - Looks like Beau doesn't have Lincoln's giant melon (yet)! Strangely enough, we measure heads a lot around here. Lincoln found a measure (as he calls it) in the stuff we brought home from the hospital and loves to measure all of our heads!

Eating and Sleeping - Beau nurses every three hours during the day. He's always eager to eat and has his little fists clinched so tight and holds them right by his chin. By the end of the feeding, his arms and fists have relaxed in satisfaction. So sweet! When he's finished, he puckers his little lips and makes the cutest goos. (He often overeats and spews quite a bit of milk, so I keep him still and a burp cloth around his neck for a while.) He's still a good napper and has improved on his night sleeping as well. In honor of his two month birthday, Beau has decided to sleep from his last feeding at 9:30 pm until 7:00 am. Hooray!!! We had a rough patch last week when he thought (for three nights straight) that he needed to eat at 4:30, but mean Mommy made him wait until 5:30. I guess he got the picture because now my wakeup call has been after 7:00 for several days. Keep it up, Beau!

Other stuff - He's smiling and gooing sweetly, mostly when I mimic how Lincoln talks. (Linc doesn't want to play the baby talk game and says "No goo goo gaa gaa" when I ask him to say that. I guess Beau thinks it's funny.) Tummy time is a breeze, which is weird to me. He holds his head up well and checks out all the toys I lay around him. Even Lincoln knows that when Beau is crying, try the tummy!

I asked Dr. K about Beau's constant looking (and sleeping) to the left. There isn't an issue except his head has begun to flatten on the left side now. His ear is even beginning to move a bit because of his habit. So we're now sleeping propped up to the right and playing with (Mommy assisting) our head flat or to the right. We should be able to correct it within the next couple of months, but I'm being very persistent. He's not putting up much of a fight anymore, so that makes it easier on everyone.

Beau is a sweet and cuddly little two month old, and we all love him to pieces. Even Lincoln wants to know where Beau is and what he's doing all the time. There's only been one or two little jealous moments, but they're getting along great. Well, at least until Beau is old enough to fight back!!!

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