Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Kids

Fun times are the norm right now . . . I'm happy that we have more smiles and laughs than we have cries and fits!!! Everyone is eating well, sleeping well, and getting along. Beau is enjoying his little gym mat more and more and likes to bat at the rattles. He likes it much more when Lincoln is at school because when Lincoln is home, he constantly rolls him over so he can't see them any more. Lincoln is always proud to tell me, "Beau roll over, Mommy!" Not without your (unwanted) help, Lincoln!!!!

Lincoln has been busy learning a new dance routine, and it's just the funniest thing! He wears these "Elmo hands" and follows a video of Elmo and some kids teaching him a dance. He sings along with the song and does a little booty-shakin! I'll have to get this on video soon. Here are the stills.

If I didn't know this already, Lincoln showed me he's one unique (weird?) kid at dinner tonight. I made grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli for us all. I was really pumping up the mashed potatoes because he's not really a potato lover. I just threw some broccoli on his plate for fun. (He was having his most favorite food - green beans.) He surprised me by LOVING the broccoli. He ate several florets and asked for more. He followed that up by eating ONLY THE CRUST of a slice of wheat bread I put on his plate. Seriously . . . . he won't eat macaroni and cheese, pizza, or mashed potatoes, but he asks for seconds of broccoli and wheat bread crust!!!!! I guess I'm glad he has healthy tastes, but I still think it's weird.

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