Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Straightjacket!

So I'm a swaddler . . . a no holds barred, super tight swaddler. Lincoln was swaddled with a blanket until he was over four months old and it worked great for us all. Of course I began swaddling Beau as soon as he came home, and he's been a great sleeper too. However, last week he decided he needed to get his little arms free every night. He wiggled and wormed his arms out of the blanket then dug in his heels and scooted up and up and up. He would be at the head of the crib, and the blanket was sitting (still all swaddled) where he had started. By about 5 am each morning, he started calling for me. Uh-uh, buddy! I would reswaddle him and calm him, but there was no early feeding going on! I decided to try the pre-fashioned velcro swaddlers (that never worked with Lincoln) just in case they had new magic. He's been in the straitjacket for naps and bedtime since Saturday, and it's going great. He has slept until 7:30 am, then 7:45 am, then 8:00 am since. I'm sure he's got ESP and knows I'm bragging . . . he'll be up fifteen times tonight!

Because he's getting such calm sleep, he's having more fun playing than ever.

Luckily, Mommy's having more fun too and sharing in the extra sleep time.
Here's my next question - how big do these straitjacket swaddlers come? He's getting big really quickly, and I'd hate for him to outgrow it before I'm ready to retire it. I'll have to check out the baby store asap!

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