Sunday, August 5, 2012

Super Fun Playdate!

We had the most fun afternoon!  Linc's buddies from school came for a playdate, and we had the best time.  Will and Cooper are two of Linc's favorite friends, and he was insanely excited that they could come over to play.  He was busy planning snack options, filled the snack cups with fruit and goldfish, and even told me which tray to serve the snacks on!  The fun was everything he had hoped for, and all the guys were so well-behaved.  I laughed so much at the silly make-believe stories they were telling. 

It wasn't a total boy party because Will brought little Quinn, and Cooper brought little Lauren.  These two sweet girls were just precious.  They are both turning one soon, and they were so sweet.  They are both used to big brothers, so the boy-overload wasn't a big deal to them.  I'll never get to buy cute bubble suits or ruffles, but I did get to enjoy that for a few hours today.  Quinn might have stolen a few snack cups and sippy cups, and Lauren was happy to go with the flow.  Thanks to the girls for being so fun!
 Beau made the best of both worlds - - he hung out with the girls for a bit and enjoyed a little flirting and snacking.  He's such a beast but was pretty sweet with them.  He kept pointing at them and saying "girls"!!!  After a while, he ventured over to the boys-only clubhouse that the guys had constructed.  I wasn't sure if the older guys would consider Beau a "boy" or a "baby", but they invited him in to their lair.  He stayed on the outskirts but appreciated that they left the door open. 
I also had a super fun time with the mommies!  Ann and Stephanie are great to hang out with, and we had lots to talk about.  We all have kids at the same ages, they have all turned out pretty smart and funny, and we seem to have (somewhat) similar parenting styles.  (I'm sure they disagree with that last point, as they witnessed my germaphobia today.  I tried to tone it down a bit, but I do think that they think we are crazy around here!)  We will all miss Will and Quinn so much when the Drapers move to Fort Worth soon.  I am the most impressed that the kids played so well together.  No fights, lots of sharing, rarely a tear, and plenty of laughing . . . I think everyone was on their best behavior!  It always amuses me to watch Lincoln play with his peers.  These kids were making up crazy stories to act out, and their imaginations were blowing my mind!  I know I'm a bit partial, but I think Cooper, Will and Lincoln  (and Beau, Quinn and Lauren) win the gold star of playdates today.  Sooooo . . . what are the Drapers and Lees doing next Sunday afternoon????  Come back soon!

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