Sunday, August 12, 2012

Snack Buddies

Snacks are serious business for these brothers.  I can't even say the word snack without Beau running to the pantry to beat on the door for food!  Lincoln is always telling me he's so hungry for a snack, and Beau is always ready to join in.  I think we keep Teddy Grahams, Goldfish, Animal Crackers and Ritz Mini Sandwich Crackers (both cheese and peanut butter) in business . . . and the grocery store shelves empty!!!  It is totally unbelievable how much these two can put away!  We gathered on the couch for a quick bite, and I captured these two munchers in typical fashion.  Beau gave me a strong "cheese" while Linc backed away with laughter. 
 We played some silly peek-a-boo while snacking.  These guys have so much fun!
 Happy days like this one are the best!!!  I love my little snackers.  I try to offer healthier options for them, and they are usually game.  Occasionally they get Oreos or some other cookie treat (because I'm such a cool, easy-going kinda Mom - ha!), but we keep it fairly straight. 

What a fun Friday!  We had a visit to the library, a quick stop at Mommy's office (because Ms. Aimee has chocolate and Linc wanted to pay her a visit!), tons of playing and our usual fun dinner at Mi Cocina with Nana and Pops and the Hoggs.  We've got a lot more fun in store this weekend, so stay tuned!

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