Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School Fun

School has been exceptionally fun this summer!  Linc's Pre-School Teacher has lined up so many exciting activities over the last few months.  They have had a visit from the firetruck, a petting zoo, a cotton candy party, a magic show, a movie day, a show from David the Chicken, fun stories from Ms. Cookie, a foam machine, a visit from the Science Man, pajama day, rides on a Choo Choo Train, a watermelon fest, and pony rides.  They have been seriously busy, and he's loved to tell us all about the fun he's been having.  In between all of the activities, he and his buddies have been recreating what they've experienced.  I picked him up on an afternoon after the petting zoo, and he and Oliver had built their own petting zoo.  He was crazy-excited to tell me all about it.  (I'm not sure why he has on orange goggles . . . the dress up area is pretty popular there . . . he regularly has on strange dress up clothes when I get there!)
 Daddy drops the boys off at school on most days, and he snapped a pic of Linc and Will taking their turn with the computer.  They LOVE when they get turns on the computer.  The games are mostly counting and matching.  It is crazy that my little guy knows how to work a computer!  He couldn't say "bye" fast enough once he learned it was his turn on the computer!
 Beau has been enjoying school too, but I don't really have any pictures to prove it.  He always comes home singing the latest songs and can name all of his friends in his class.  Carrying his backpack is a must!  Today was finger-painting, and I understand that he was very exuberant with this activity!  His shirt was completely covered with paint . . . thankfully they cleaned up his hands and face! 
I am so thankful for the ladies who teach them so much each day. Sometimes I'm so surprised at what they learn.  Lincoln was just telling me about "responsibility" the other day, and how one carries out acting "responsibly".  Amazing!  His class is studying the letter "J" this week, and he demanded that we stop to get grape jelly on the way home.  Apparently he's decided that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are cool now . . . we should have studied the letter "J" earlier!!!  

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