Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Swimming Excellence!

Linc started a new session of swimming lessons this week, and he was totally excited!  He was bouncing out of his chair while we waited for his class to start!  What a super swimmer he was . . . he loved his new swimming partner and had the best lesson ever!  Ms. Kerin is his teacher again, and she even bumped him up to the more advanced class.  He really did great.  There was a "crying girl" in his last session that occasionally made him a little wimpery, but he was all confidence this time.  Hooray for our little fishy!
 Beau is really interested in joining a swimming class, but he has to wait until January before I am ready to sign up for a "Mommy & Beau" session.  For now, he's content to watch as long as he has a snack!  What a sweet face!
This week is the first lesson in the fall semester, and I'm already thinking I'm crazy for signing up for a 5:30 class in Plano!  We made it with time to spare this week, but I actually left work on time and had zero traffic . . . that can't be the norm!  At least the kiddos had fun, and we were home and having dinner by 6:20.  A fun night for all - what's better than that???

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