Monday, August 27, 2012

A Shower for Baby Jackson

I was so honored to host a baby shower for Samantha and Baby Jackson this weekend. Nana and Marte were my co-hostesses, and they were the best! We came up with such cute ideas, and everything came together seamlessly on Saturday morning. We welcomed our guests with an easel decorated with the shower invitation and a cute book display.
 The sign in table also contained our party favors and more of our book theme.  Moon Pies went with the book Goodnight Moon, and Swedish Fish we with the book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.  Moon Pies aren't exactly easy to find . . . unless you're looking in the right place, which happens to be not at the grocery store but at the gas station!  Cute stuff!  The favors were a hit with the guests.
 It was easy to decorate with books because my boys have a million!  I have been sneaking them out of their baskets, and they were so excited to see some of their favorites.  Scott did the flowers, and they were amazing!  He totally outdid himself, but we loved all of the arrangements.
 The food table was my favorite part!  We had a yummy lunch all centered around our favorite books:  baked ham and cheese sandwiches (Green Eggs and Ham), chicken salad bites (Chicken Little), antipasto skewers and fruit skewers (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), and carrots and celery in ranch (The Tale of Peter Rabit).  Everything was really yummy and went along with the books perfectly. 
 Well, maybe my favorite part was really the dessert table!  We had an assortment of cookies for the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, and of course a cake from Stein's.  I took them our copy of Goodnight Gorilla, and they made an amazing cake!
 Ok I couldn't resist giving a closeup of the cake.  Not only was it super cute, it was super yummy too! 
 It was so nice to spend a few hours together and celebrate mommy-to-be.  We always spend our Friday evenings together, so it was a fun treat!
 I caught Samantha in a funny pregnancy pose while chatting with a few guests! 

We had a great group of ladies who joined us.  Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.  Samantha received tons of great things: sweet baby clothes and blankets, diapering necessities, and a car activity station for holding toys next to the car seat.  (I think I need to purchase this asap!)
 Just a close-up of the beautiful flowers . . .  I'm actually the lucky recipient of the flowers after the shower.  The house is filled with arrangements, and I am loving that!
 Lincoln and Beau were not in attendance, even though they would have loved to party!  They headed out with Daddy and Pops for a little fun.  I understand they hit up the mall (for the escalators of course).  Baseball practice was also on the agenda.  They had so much fun! 
 These silly guys not only get to enjoy the leftover cake and cookies . . . they get to bang on the number block from the front door decoration!  They've been making a ton of racket on that thing!  Beau desperately wants to climb on it like his big brother so I had to put a stop to Linc's climbing and jumping off.  (But not before this picture was made post-jump!)
I had so much fun with the theme, Samantha received lots of great gifts, and we all enjoyed the yummy lunch and fun time together - I'd say that makes for a successful baby shower!! 

1 comment:

Hayley said...

It was so cute Monica! Good job. I enjoyed catching up with you!