Sunday, August 19, 2012

Silly Guys!

We are never at a loss for silly with our two little guys!  They keep us (and each other) in stitches and are always up to silly antics.  Beau loves to "ride" the stuffed doggie, and he does it with gusto!!  He loves to be silly and really understands that he's doing something funny while we're laughing.  He eats it up!!
 My original silly monster doesn't ever disappoint!  Linc found himself without shorts the other night and took full advantage of the opportunity for laughs.  I'm not sure why he needed to locate a fire hat, but whatever!  He ran in circles through the house, squealing with delight, and sliding all over the place in his socks.  Those are some skinny legs he's baring!
I'm so thankful for healthy, happy and silly boys.  Each laugh is like magic.  I just need to remember this on those not-so-happy days when bad moods come out. 

I feel like I need to document that DJ Linc is in the house tonight!  He smuggled a karaoke microphone into his bed without my knowledge.  It must have been hidden under a one of two pillows or one of three blankets . . . or more likely under Franklin the turtle, Charlie Brown, Linus, the rubber ducky, the train car, the teddy bear, the treasure map, or one of the 5 books he has piled up in the bed.  We seriously need to get a handle on the amount of things in that bed!  Anyway, I'm cleaning the kitchen at least 30 minutes after he went to bed when I hear some awesome remixes of Twinkle Twinkle, If You're Happy, Old MacDonald, and a few others.  He pushes a button on the mic to change the song then sings along.  I'm thinking I should confiscate that while he's sleeping later this evening.  I don't think I want to chance a repeat if he wakes up in the middle of the night!

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