Friday, January 13, 2012

Workout Buddies

Now that I'm not nursing Beau, I have to get back to hard core working out. The average 700 calories burned per day while breastfeeding allowed me to not work out as much. Instead of pumping iron at the gym, I pumped milk in the lactation lounge! Today I popped in a Jillian Michaels DVD and had a few friends join me. Lincoln did the jumping jacks, lunges and kicks with lots of squeals. He was having so much fun! Beau came crawling in to see what was causing so much excitement because he can't stand to miss out on anything. We had gotten to the ab portion of the workout so he got up extra close! Lincoln helped us count the reps and tried his best to crunch and reverse crunch.

Kevin rescued Beau and they watched from the sidelines with glee! I mostly laughed through the workout, which is a huge upgrade from my normal disposition when Jillian is bossing me around from the tv. At one point when I was supposed to be side-lunging and lifting my weights up to my head, I put one weight down and held the other one with both hands. Two were getting a little too heavy! Lincoln saw what I was doing and said, "No, Mommy! The girls on tv have two. You pick up that other one Mommy. You're not doing it right!" He's always holding me accountable!

After Linc's bath tonight he said, "Mommy, I really like to excerise. Can we do it again?" I think I've just found a couple of workout buddies!

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