Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fun Days

This has been a really long break from work and school, and Lincoln and Beau have been so busy playing. They really have so much fun each day. Sometimes toys are shared, and occasionally they play with the same thing at the same time. (This is quite rare because they are both so grabby, and someone always cries!)

Beau is all smiles! Well, that's not exactly true. He's still in the Mommy phase and can't stand it if he's not near me. I try to sneak out of the room, and he's fine until he notices I'm gone. It's a good thing I like hanging out with him! He's babbling up a storm and crawling like a monster and getting into everything! He's also been swiping Lincoln's snacks every chance he gets, and that makes Linc so mad!!! Little brothers do that right?!?!
Lincoln has had so much fun this holiday, and each morning he asks me who is coming over to play. He lists Nana and Pops, Minnie and Bubbles and Ally, Aunt Sarah and Cheryl, Aunt Marian and Uncle Larry, Marta (the housekeeper!) and anyone else he can think of. He volunteered Marte and Scooter the other day, but I said they needed to work. It's not pretty when someone leaves or I tell him that no one is coming. We had a particularly ugly fit this afternoon when he realized he was stuck with just us for the evening. Am I really so bad? Perhaps he should ask Beau about that . . . he thinks Mommy is the best!

We went to Nico's for a yummy New Year's Eve dinner on Saturday night and returned home to find water shooting from the hot water heater and flooding the back of the house. Lincoln was beside himself with excitement! We called in our handy helpers and got the problem under control pretty quickly. Since they had turned of the gas to the water heater, I filled up big soup pots with water and heated them on the stove for the boys baths. I didn't really think Lincoln saw what I was doing, nor did I comment on it to him. Of course his little mind was taking it all in though. When I put him in the tub, he turned those big brown eyes up to me and said, "I take a soup water bath tonight, Mommy?" I just died! He's so perceptive to know we make soup in those pots on the stove, but that I dumped the water out in the bath. Such a smartie! Important to note: hot water has returned and we're back to normal. Lincoln was a bit sad that he got "regular water" in his bath instead of "soup water" (according to him!).

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