Monday, January 9, 2012

So busy!

When Lincoln was around 9 months old, I wrote about how he was so busy all the time. Always moving from one thing to another, never stopping to rest. Beau is the same - times a million! He has a super cool big brother to chase around, so he's on the go every second. He's also the cutest little Beau I've ever seen! Those big blue eyes and dimples get me every time! Watch out ladies! Better yet - Watch out Sloane, Renee and Lexie! (Beau's girl classmates!)

Lincoln is really interested in Beau chasing him right now, so they do lots of crawling. Lincoln is yelling the whole time, "Come get me, Beau. Help! Come get me!" Beau is usually game to play along. He's a fast crawler and tries his best to catch up.
Sometimes Beau gives an excited yell while he's crawling, like he's so excited that this sound just has to come out! It's a deep squeal that's so cute!

Once the boys discovered leaning on the glass french doors (that open to the playroom), they've been obsessed. Tonight I sneaked around the corner, and they were so surprised! What could be more fun!

Not to be outdone, Lincoln joined me and gave Beau a surprise. Oh what joy!

I'm going to try not to jinx myself with this update. Usually after I make a post of super-fun-laughing-happy kids, one or both get sick. I'm hoping for a healthy streak and lots more great pictures and stories.

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