Monday, January 16, 2012

Beau is 10 Months Old

Beau is 10 months old and has now lived longer outside of my tummy than inside! I think he's done a lot with his time, and he's surely the busiest kid I've ever seen. He continues to melt our hearts with those amazing blue eyes and sweet smiles. I either refer to him as Sweet Beau or Tornado Beau, if that gives any clue as to his personality. I didn't write down any stats this month, so I'll just share all of the fun stuff of Beau at 10 months.

Another tooth is about to bust through (making four on top and still two on bottom), and it's wreaking havoc on my baby's tummy. He's in a good mood but is having monster poops! I have resorted to emergency sink baths and cutting clothes off. This needs to end soon! Walking is definitely a hit with Beau, as long as he's got a something to push. Any toy that Lincoln has is the one Beau wants (and vice versa!), and there are many fights in the playroom. Beau doesn't back down when Lincoln steals from him or bumps him; he screams in Linc's face and sometimes pulls on him. I'm not advocating violence or anything, but a kid needs to stand up for himself! The playroom looks like a tornado hit after just a short time because Beau loves to play with each and every item . . . for about 10 seconds each. Not my favorite thing! Beau's favorite word is Dada, with Bye-bye and uh-oh close behind. I can't believe he's not saying Mama. I mean, wasn't he present while I was hand-scrubbing poop off of him today? Don't I get something for that?? I guess we'll keep working on it. Dr. K said he needed three words by his first birthday, so looks like he's ahead of the game. Beau likes to high five, just learned that cupcakes are yummy, and is obsessed with Lincoln's training potty. If my back is turned for one second, he's off to the bathroom to check it out. Definitely not my favorite thing! (I even broke a toe trying to catch him diving in head-first!) Each day is an adventure for Beau, and he's totally up for it. He's so fun, has a great laugh, loves to give hugs and has the kissiest cheeks. We love our Beau-Beau!

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