Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lincoln is a Super Swimmer!

Lincoln has come so far from the kicking and screaming of our first swim lesson . . . he's moving up to the highest class for his age group! I'm so proud of him and how brave he's become. He truly loves to jump in and swim around. The Extreme Waterbabies class is not for Mommies like our other class, so I'll get to stay dry and watch from the side. (I'm soooo happy about that. It is not fun traipsing around town in a bathing suit in January!) This week Lincoln and Syanne were in the pool with just Ms. Kerin, as a trial run for swimming without Mommies. They did great.

He wanted to swim out to the gym, so he jumped right in and did it. I would never have imagined he'd take to it so fast, but I'm so happy he has fun.
Because he was so good at following directions and waiting his turn, he got a chance on the slide! I'm usually in the water waiting to catch him, but not this time! He told Ms. Kerin to move back so he could swim farther to her.

I may only get one or two semesters of "dry time" because we'll enroll Beau in Waterbabies before I know it! Thanks to Ms. Kerin for all the wonderful coaching. We keep signing up for her classes because she and Lincoln get along so well. Great teachers are to be cherished!

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