Monday, January 23, 2012

Super Swimmer!

Lincoln has begun the spring session of swimming lessons, and he's having more fun than ever! Mommy is having lots of fun too . . . staying dry out in the waiting room instead of being wet in the pool. Yes, this class is not for parents. Lincoln loves sitting with his friends and splashing in the water! He is so excited to swim but patiently waits for his turns.

They swim out to the island and work on splashy kicks. All the kids love to kick! They also sing a few songs which is Lincoln's favorite part!
Class wouldn't be complete with out the motorboats. Linc loves to swim around in the motorboat. He chases the kids around, swims out to retrieve toys and spins in circles in his motorboat.
I remember the nightmare swim lessons of last summer and can't believe he developed into a little fishy so fast. He was supposed to move up to the second level of Waterbabies this spring, but his teacher let us enroll in the third (and highest) level because she's been his teacher since last June and the time worked best for us. She told me tonight that he's on pace with the other Advanced Level kids, and that we did the right thing by skipping the second level. I'm so proud to see him laugh, jump, kick, swim, sing and have fun. On second thought, I'm a little sad that I'm not in there with him. He gives me lots of shouts and waves through the glass, so at least he's still thinking about me. Oh, the pain of parenting. We want them to grow to be independent . . . then feel a little sad when they don't need us. I'm sure I'll think that same thought a million times as he and Beau grow up.

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