Sunday, January 22, 2012

Short Visit

The Freemans came this weekend! It seemed like a long time since Christmas, and we were happy to see them again. Because it was a short visit, we had to pack in a lot of playing in a short time. Beau and Bubbles were pretty much attached at the hip. Everything Lincoln was doing, Bubbles had to be there: peepeeing in the potty, putting on shoes, checking out the neighbors, having a snack, reading bedtime stories, EVERYTHING. Just to be kind, Lincoln gave Minnie a little bonding time after dinner. They shared a few books and a few hugs!

Bubbles and Beau found a new way to bond . . . over food! As long as Bubbles had snacks for Beau, they were buddies. Lincoln is happy for Beau to stay back so he can have Bubbles all to himself, but now he has a little competition!
Ally and I got a little shopping break, which I desperately needed! A little retail therapy is good for the soul. I'm so thankful Minnie, Bubbles and Ally are willing (and sometimes happy) to drive 6 hours to see us. (And I hope they get better driving weather next time!)

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