Wednesday, September 4, 2013

T-Ball Practice Game

Lincoln's T-Ball team had their second practice, and he was super ready to get into the action.  The first practice was just working on skills, but this one was a mock game.  They had a short team meeting to discuss the goals of the practice, and then they got down to business!  Lincoln chose to be in the field first.  When asked what position he wanted to play, he responded third quickly!  He got lots of action at third base.  It was amazing that he went for every ground ball hit in his direction (and maybe even a few that weren't hit in his direction!), and he concentrated on stopping the ball from going past him then stood up to decide what to do with it.  Twice he tagged a runner out before getting to third base, and once he attempted a throw to first.  We were all cheering for Linc's great fielding, and he got several high fives from the field coach!  He was doing jumping jacks and singing and dancing while waiting for the next batter to hit.  He definitely had fun at third base!  They gave another kid a turn at third and Linc moved over to kind of short stop/outfield (they have a lot of kind of positions in T-Ball!), and he ran all over the place stopping balls!  So proud of my little baseball player!
When it was time to come in from the field and hit, Linc was ready!  He and Coach Andrew talked about the proper batting stance, and then he hit a line drive off the tee!  Luckily, he knew to toss the bat and run to first base.  In T-Ball you stop at first no matter if anyone catches the ball, and he was so proud for getting on base before anyone could catch his hit!  Great swing! 
I can't leave out the funniest story of the practice . . . When Lincoln was on first, the next batter hit the ball in play.  Lincoln took off running to second, but the ball came rolling right in front of him and he couldn't help but pick it up and throw it to first!!!  No, no, no!  It was hilarious, and he made it second shouting that he ran and caught the ball!  We talked about the situation later on and decided that if you are running, you don't stop to get the ball.  We'll see if that lesson sticks.  I guess I'm more excited that he has some super hustle skills about grabbing the ball to get an out!  After the practice game, the kids worked on running the bases.  Linc loved that!! 
While Lincoln was having a blast on the field, little brother was having fun as close as he could get to the field!!  Mommy told him that Coach Andrew said that no little brothers could be past the fence, it was only for 4 year olds.  He taunted me several times by hugging the fence and assuring me that he wasn't breaking the rules!!!  Such a little devil!  He played a few games on my iPhone then we played chase in the grass for long enough to work up a sweat.  Back to hugging the fence and begging to run the bases after practice! 
Such a fun baseball practice!  Linc and his teammates did great at fielding and hitting.  I'm sure they will all have fun at our first game on Sunday.  Beau was happy that he did get to run the bases a few times when practice ended.  Lincoln hasn't stopped talking about his awesome hit and super fielding skills since we left practice.  I noticed a few cars driving by the field slowly and checking us out during practice . . . I remember before I was a Mom, and when the boys were babies, driving slowly by a baseball practice and thinking that I couldn't wait for it to be my boys out there.  The time is finally here, and we are loving it!! 

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