Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday Stuff

As predicted, we had a fun-filled but not too busy Saturday!  Everyone slept in a little and played quietly in their beds until around 9:00!!  We had breakfast and got ready for some fun errands.  The boys and I went to Dick's for a few sporty items (bat bag for Linc and birthday surprise stuff for Daddy), Hobby Lobby for party supplies (Linc & Beau spent FOREVER trying to decide with plates/cups/napkins/hats would be best for Daddy), and the grocery store to pick up a few lunch items (turkey and Monsters University Cheez Its).  Lincoln had a lunchable with turkey, cheddar cheese slices, the aforementioned Cheez Its, and strawberries.  Beau asked for a turkey lurkey sandwich with pleese chain and dry.  His Whataburger order is cheese plain and dry, and he's getting the first letters mixed up!  It's hilarious to me, but it drives Lincoln crazy.  He got his sandwich exactly as he requested it with Cheez Its and strawberries, too.  We played a few games and built with Legos before rest time.  Beau crashed out in his bed, and Lincoln took a rest on Mommy and Daddy's bed while watching Madagascar.  He told me 4 times that someone on the island said, "What the heck?"  He was really concerned that they shouldn't say that!  Mommy had a nice run (yay for getting back to working out before 9:00 pm!) after naps while the boys played with Daddy.  The boys played outside for a while, and we worked on catching/throwing.  Lincoln really got into a good groove!  Sidewalk chalk, squirt guns, and bubbles were also fun to play with.  So glad it was a nice warm (but not hot) day.  We hit up Mia's for dinner, and it was super yummy!  We brought Chick-fil-A for the boys since they had Mexican the night before, and the ate every bite of their nuggets, fries, ketchup and pineapple slices.  On the way home, Lincoln decided we needed to stop somewhere else.  We picked Braum's and ordered two chocolate ice cream cones.  I've never seen two people more serious about eating ice cream than Lincoln and Beau.  They worked hard to eat it quickly in the car, and it had become a little melty by the time they got inside.  The last of the slurping took place at the picnic table, and they were a mess!!! 
At least they were a happy mess!  Beau told me when he ate all of the chocolate ice cream off the top of the cone, there was a surprise of vanilla ice cream in the cone.  Not sure where he got that idea, but he was excited about it!   
I love a good ice cream run (even though I never get any!), and these two smiling faces make it the best $2 ever!  It was definitely the Saturday we needed after a busy week and looking forward to another busy week ahead. 

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