Monday, September 16, 2013

T-Ball Game and Daddy's Birthday!!!

Sunday was a busy and fun day.  We started out at church, and Lincoln was so excited to go to Sunday School!  Mommy only teaches every other week, but he knew he would have fun with his friends from last week and the other teachers, Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Aimee.  Beau had fun in big church and at Children's Time.  We had a yummy brunch at Cindi's and watched the Cowboys game before our rest.  Lincoln second T-Ball game was in the afternoon, and he was ready!!  He played right field in one inning and center field in the next inning, and it wasn't exactly exciting.  The team we played this week didn't hit many balls past the infield, so there wasn't too much action for him.  He did great at hitting and ran the bases really great with so much speed! 
Beau was having fun running around playing Peek-A-Boo with Mommy, Nana, and Pops. The cooler is Beau's other favorite thing to play with . . . who doesn't love rummaging around with ice?!?! 
While Linc was waiting for his turn to bat, Beau came over to chit chat.  How sweet is this high five through the fence?  Love these two!! 
Daddy had a birthday on Monday, and we were so excited to celebrate!!!  Well, maybe not Daddy so much . . . but birthdays are always fun events at our house!  We met Nana and Pops at the Katy Trail Outpost for yummy burgers, and we were happy that Carolyn and Katie joined us from Arkansas and Megan drove down from Frisco.  After a super great dinner, we all came home to have cake.  Lincoln and Beau gave specific instructions for Daddy's cake - chocolate cake, chocolate icing, yellow writing "Happy Birthday Daddy Kevin Richard Kuhlman" (we are working on learning lots of people's whole names), and sprinkles in lots of colors.  I'm happy that the cake met every one's expectations and was really yummy too!  Lincoln placed several candles and couldn't wait to gather everyone. 
Lincoln started off the singing of "Happy Birthday to You", and he kind of melted Daddy's heart with his sweet smile and sweet singing.  That Lincoln loves a good party and to share his excitement with everyone! 
Our chorus group gamely played along with the hat-wearing and singing!  Thanks guys!   
Beau was having a little 2 1/2 year old moment and had to stay in the playroom while we sang.  Sometimes a little guy just has to get ready on his own time.  (Beau got super sad when I snapped his picture - he was embarrassed that I caught him acting out.)  Luckily he joined the party soon after! 
We moved the picnic table in the living room for the boys, and everyone ate gathered around to enjoy the cake.  Lincoln was such a sweet host and had made sure that everyone had a hat and the perfect slice of cake.  Beau had rejoined the group once the cake was served!  He insisted on eating only the icing on his piece with his fingers!! 
Lincoln was so happy to help Daddy open his cards.  They boys picked out a Superhero card that was from them and a NFL theme-song-playing card from Mommy.  Daddy got a gift card to his favorite store, Specs (actually just cash because they ran out of gift cards at the store!) that everyone loved! 
Daddy's gift bag consisted of personalized tickets to a Dallas Stars hockey game and matching tshirts for all of my guys!!  We can't wait to go to the game soon! 
What a fun birthday for Daddy!  As a parent, turning a year older is met with happiness when your kids are so excited to make your day special.  Beau has told me so many times this week that Daddy's party needed a bounce house so we could have lots of fun.  I'm glad we all had so much celebrating Daddy's birthday!  Here's to another amazing year Daddy!!!! 

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