Tuesday, September 3, 2013

End of Labor Day Weekend

After a busy start to our long Labor Day weekend at the Arboretum and the Farmers Market, we had so much fun on Sunday and Monday.  Minnie and Bubble came to visit from Arkansas!  The boys were so excited to have different people to play endless games of Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, and Goodnight Moon Matching.  They also begged Minnie and Bubbles to read them a million books and stack a million blocks and give a million tickles!  We all had such a great time. 
Mommy is the new teacher in the 4 year old Sunday School room at church, and Lincoln so excited!  He's been really hesitant to go to Sunday School because he doesn't know anyone in the class, but Mommy will be there to help him make some friends and get used to the habit of class on Sundays.  I practiced a lesson on the boys after dinner, and they were thrilled to do the crafts, hear the story, and repeat the memory verse.  After their baths, they grabbed their story books and piled up in Linc's big bed for me to read it to them one more time. 
Nothing is sweeter than clean kiddos ready for a bedtime story!  Reading a bedtime story together in Linc's bed is a new thing, but everyone is enjoying it.  They are getting to be so big before my own eyes, and sometimes I want to freeze time right now!  Other times when they are having less-than-cute-and-sweet-moments, I'm ok with getting just a bit older to a more "minding" stage!  Either way, they are the best Lincoln and Beau that I know.  I'm a lucky Mommy to tuck these two into bed each night!

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