Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blast Off!!

The imaginations in the house are ridiculous, as Beau would say (he loves to say that word)!  Lincoln turned the little trampoline upside down to make it a rocket ship, and those two have had so much fun blasting off into space!!!   
They take turns being the driver and lay on the floor under the trampoline then hop on to fly super fast through space.  Surprisingly, this is one activity that they really do take turns doing!  I'm all for that! 
I don't know how much Beau knows about space or rocket ships other than a Mickey Mouse episode when the gang goes to Mars.  That doesn't stop him from enjoying every single second of pretend space travel!  He loves that this activity doesn't have any age requirements!  Lincoln loves that Beau will go along with him and his directions while playing rocket ship, and he is kind to explain all of their adventures to Beau.  Overlooking a few small injuries sustained while blasting off and flying, space travel is the most fun ever! 

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