Sunday, September 22, 2013

Potty Training Weekend, Etc.

Our weekend began on Friday morning with lots of activities planned . . . all from home because Beau was wearing underwear for the first time!  We made banana pudding, and the boys were excited to measure and stir but mostly excited to layer the cookies and add whipped cream!  Lincoln didn't really like the taste and only ate the whipped cream, but Beau loved the whole thing!  Typical!! 
We had lots of crafts about the letter 'M' this weekend.  (Linc's class is focusing on that letter for this week.)  We glued lots of macaroni and marshmallow crafts!  We also took a break to play hide and seek.  Beau is really learning from Linc's expansion of hiding places.  I mean, he hides exactly where he found Lincoln, but that's better than him only hiding in the three places he would before.  Beau tucked in tightly behind the fan but gave away his location by giggling too much! 
Beau did a pretty good job with the potty on Friday.  We went to swimming lessons and dinner at Anamia's and he didn't have any accidents while we were out!!  He asked to go to the potty often, and we were so proud of him!  Saturday morning was so nice, so we went outside to play.  Other than climbing, swinging, and sliding, we see sawed and played with water guns before eating lunch outside.   
After a rest and a field trip to Target and Nana & Pops house, we picked up Spring Creek BBQ for dinner.  Since it was so nice out, we ate outside again.  Everyone is loving this cooler weather!  After dinner the boys watched Finding Nemo for the first time, and it was such a cute movie. 
I won't lie and say that Saturday was the best potty training day because we had a few accidents and attitudes.  Beau got tired of me making him sit on the potty quickly.  He's not exactly a fan of being told what to do!  But we were going to continue the course on Sunday!  Lincoln was excited for Sunday School, and Beau was going to accompany us because Daddy and Uncle E were in Oklahoma for Oktoberfest.  Beau was a little shy at first, but Lincoln loved participating in the lesson and activities with is friends.  Beau warmed up by the end luckily! 
After another picnic lunch and short (too short!) rest, we went to Connor's birthday party at the Lego exhibit at the Galleria.  The boys have been there before and love it, so they were so excited to go.  They loved building cars and rocket ships out of the Legos and racing them down the ramp, and it was fun to play I Spy and find the mystery items.  Happy Birthday to Conner, and thanks for letting us celebrate with you! 
We rushed from the birthday party to Linc's T-Ball game, and he was ready to play!  He was ready to get into the action and hit a line drive!  He also got lots of work at 3rd base and chased down balls so fast!  Beau made a picnic on the cooler and had a great time cheering (and playing on Pop Pops phone)!  It was Mommy's turn to bring snacks, and Lincoln picked Capri Suns with Angry Birds Cheese Crackers and Graham Crackers.  Fun for all!! 
I think this face is just the cutest ever!  We were visiting before it was his turn to bat, and the sweetness is just too much! 
This picture pretty much sums up the long weekend.  Sassy Beau in his underwear!  Potty training did not go as Mommy expected, but we are not giving up.  We just knew that it would be easy because he's so smart.  It turns out being so smart is making him over think the whole thing.  He just got really bothered that he was being asked to potty over and over, then he refused to pee and had accidents later.  But that physique is something else! 
In spite of the accidents and accompanying tears, we had such a fun and busy weekend.  I just keep telling myself that it's not like he'll be 12 and still not potty-trained!  He will figure this out and all will be fine.  There were lots of hugs and I love yous over the last few days, and the sweetest ones were from Lincoln after a non-productive 15 minutes of Beau sitting on the potty.  Linc would give me a hug and tell me that it was ok and not to be sad.  He also told me when I looked frustrated that God was beside me and not to be sad.  Now that's a lesson worth remembering!!!  Beau is wearing underwear to school on Monday, and we all have our fingers crossed that he will be more excited about the potty when he sees his friends going.  Even though it was a tough weekend, it was fun just to be together. 


Hayley said...

I tested the waters with potty training a couple of weeks ago. We had little to no success. I need to buck up and spend the weekend doing it. I just have to gear myself up!! Best of luck to Beau (and you!)

The Kuhlmans said...

We may have to take a little break and relax about it for a few days. He's getting pretty worked up about it! Good luck to y'all too!