Friday, January 25, 2013

Two Little Swimmers!

We began a new swimming lesson session this week, and Lincoln was super happy to be moved up to the Advanced Beginners class.  He's been through Waterbabies, Super Waterbabies, Extreme Waterbabies, AquaTots, and Advanced AquaTots, all with so much progress and fun!  (Well, the initial Waterbabies was not so fun, but it's been all good since then!)  Because of his skill level, he got to skip Beginners and go straight to Advanced Beginners.  He really enjoyed working on a few new skills and loved pushing off the wall.  Happy little fishy!
Beau has attended all of Linc's swim lessons for almost a year, and he's really been yearning to get in the pool for some action.  We started Beau in the Waterbabies class after Linc's lesson, and Beau was super excited!  I had no idea how Beau would take to the water and was worried that he would have the early intrepidation that Lincoln had when he first started.  However, Beau embraced each activity with eager joy, and he had the best time!  After a few moments in the pool, I got the vibe that this was going to be way different from the less-than-happy way Lincoln started out swimming.  I mouthed to Nana through the window to get my phone out of the bag and take a few pictures.  She mouthed back that she didn't know how to work my iPhone, so I responded that she should just hand it to Lincoln.  Sure enough, he entered my password and snapped tons of great pictures.  Beau was happy to wave at Nana and Lincoln, and he liked when Mommy tossed him in the air during the opening songs.  He also loved the motorboat, of course! 
Beau was most excited when we rotated to the gym.  He climbed up fearlessly and jumped into my arms with glee!  After several different stations, Ms. Kerin (our most favorite swim teacher ever) asked if I was ok with letting Beau go under for a second.  He seemed to be comfortable in the pool, so we did a few 1 second dips.  He was totally fine with it, and we all high-fived afterwards!  Luckily Beau got a few more chances to jump to Mommy after our lesson was complete. 
I don't think I can put into words how excited I am that Beau's swim lesson was so easy.  (Lincoln's first 4 months on swim lessons were so incredibly terrible, so I was totally prepared for lots of screaming!)  I'm so glad he had fun, and even Lincoln told Beau several times how proud he was of his little brother.  I think Beau was pretty proud of himself too!  He finally got to participate after watching Linc for so many months, and it seems like it was everything Beau thought it would be!  We called Bubbles on the way home, just as we do after every one of Linc's swim lessons.  This time Beau also got to tell Bubbles that he "swam like a fish"!  Thanks to Lincoln for knowing how to get into Mommy's iPhone, and thanks to Beau for a fun lesson in the pool.  Perhaps wearing a bathing suit in January will not be so bad after all . . . 

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