Saturday, January 5, 2013

Last Day of Vacation!

Our last official day of Christmas vacation was Friday. The boys and I have been home for over two weeks. We've enjoyed so many hours of fun, lots of visitors from Arkansas, New York and California, tons of shopping, and even a nice number of naps!!

We began our Friday by sleeping late (thanks guys!), then headed out for a few hours if fun. Since Lincoln and Beau (especially Beau) are really in love with pizza right now, we had a Mommy/Sons date at Carmine's. It was so fun! I had them cut the boys giant slice in half, and even that was so big!! Linc did his best to handle the slice. He kept remarking with wide eyes how big it was. Beau was in heaven of course. I helped him out a few times, and he loved picked the pepperoni of the top to eat first! We shopped a bit after lunch then headed to Cool Cuts for a trim. I have been trying to let their hair grow longer for a few months, but I just couldn't stand the scraggly look any more. They had fun and sat still in the big taxi chair for Miss Olivia. The suckers at the end were definitely the best part. Whew! After all that, we headed home for a nap. Of course, we met the usual gang at Mi Cocina for dinner to end the evening. I can't believe this vacation is over, and we have really had such a great time. The boys played so well together; we all did actually!! Back to the school and work routine on Monday. Linc actually said he was excited to play with his friends, and Beau has been asking about Ms. Jennifer. I bet they will be happy to get back to normal ... If only Komen would adopt a nap time policy for 2013!!!

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