Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lincoln the Artist

Lincoln is developing into quite the little artist, and he LOVES to draw pictures for us every day.  He's got a large stash of paper, crayons, markers and colored pencils to create his fun pictures.  Linc mostly draws a stick figure on a page then writes the name of the person he drew.  He can spell Lincoln, Beau, Dad and Mom with no assistance.  Sometimes I have to remind him how to spell Nana and Pop Pop and Ally, and he gets hung up on Minnie and Bubbles because they have a lot of letters in their names!  The girls get lots of hair in their pictures, and usually Daddy gets a really tall stick figure.  In just the last day or two, he's been drawing us as giant circle (alien-looking) people with no stick middle and big circle eyes.  Perhaps he is experimenting with more of an abstract style of art???  I'm thinking his whatever he creates is pretty awesome, and I love that his mind is thinking outside of the normal.  He's always so proud of his artwork and wants to tell us about each picture.  
After he creates his masterpieces, Linc wants us to hang them in their respective rooms.  So his bedroom is covered in "Lincoln drawings", Beau's bedroom is covered in "Beau pictures", etc.  Linc proudly posed by my closet door with some of the Mom and Dad pages.   
After Linc's rest time today (and while Beau was still snoozing away), he came outside to help me with a few painting projects.  We painted a giant frame, a few small letters and a large wooden cutout monogram.  He was so excited to help with each step, and I think we'll have some fun decor to display once I put it all together.  Now we just need an expert to help us hang it up!  (This one seems really heavy!) 
Remember the super cute pictures of Lincoln's new bed and room re-do, but we didn't have the appropriate kit to attach the footboard???  Well, Pops did some digging this week and located the exact pieces to make his big boy bed complete.  We prepared for a six week wait, but it was delivered in less than six days!!!  Linc, Beau, Nana and Pops were a great team and got the bed up to standards in no time.  He's loving his big bed even more!  We decided to get a body pillow to lay against the wall, and perhaps this will be a barrier for the books that keep finding their way under the bed via the tiny space between the mattress and wall.  Linc was looking too cute before I read his bedtime story!   
We didn't have a lot going on this weekend, and that was perfect.  We just played around at home and shopped a little, the boys went to visit the kitties at Nana and Pops house, we hit up a few yummy restaurants, and we all enjoyed sleeping in a bit extra.  Daddy is a little under the weather, but it seems to be a head cold rather than the flu.  Thank God for that!  It's almost time for Monday, so the clothes are laid out, the lunches are packed, and the alarm is set.  Thanks weekend . . . it was fun!

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