Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beau is 22 months!

I think Beau is 22 months old, and I know he's due for an update on the blog!  Things have been so busy and crazy for the last few months, and I don't think I've taken a few moments to just write about our busy little guy.  Beau has made the transition to baby-toddler to boy-toddler really quickly!  The boys stayed home with me for two full weeks during the Christmas and New Year break, and Beau picked up all kinds of new things.  He really developed quickly having Linc as his main playmate.  His vocabulary and communication skills skyrocketed, as if he wasn't already smart enough!  Bubbles says that he's too smart for his age, and he's right!  (Bubbles said the same thing about Lincoln, and he was right about that too.)  Beau loves to pretend with food and cooking.  He is always bringing me food and wanting to have picnics with play food.  He is always ready to warn me not to eat his favorite things though!  He'll be running off to get more play food, but stop to give me a serious order not to eat his three donuts!  (Just to note, he doesn't even like real donuts, but the play ones are super yummy!)  What a silly guy!
Beau is such a good eater, and he's proudly weighing in at 30 lbs.  There are very few foods that he doesn't like - I can only think of meatloaf, blueberries and eggs.  He's mostly excited about breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks!  His favorite foods right now are bananas, waffles, macaroni & cheese, rolls, cauliflower, apple slices, pretzels, and pizza.  Each time someone asks Beau what he had for breakfast/lunch/dinner, he happily responds "PIZZA"!  Yeah, we eat pizza once a week, but he loves it so much that he talks about every day.  
Beau is mostly a happy, silly, and fun kiddo . . . but the Terrible Twos have appeared in the last 7 days.  Seriously, it's totally terrible!  I know (from experience) that it will pass, even in a relatively short time.  I understand that his little mind is telling him that he can protest anything and everything, but we need to work through this quickly and understand that Mommy's rules aren't to be protested!  It's 30 degrees out, you have to wear socks, shoes and a jacket.  (He screamed at me that it was just chilly out, so he could just wear crocs and a sweatshirt!)  Poor Beau throws massive fits about the smallest things, but I know he can't really help it right now.  I'm trying to take away some of the triggers to avoid some meltdowns.  Apparently, he never throws fits at school, but Ms. Jennifer witnessed one when I picked him up this afternoon.  She told him that was no way to treat Mommy, and to do exactly what Mommy said.  He frowned and went back to his seat quietly.  Three times tonight he was on the cusp of a fit, but I reminded him of what Ms. Jennifer said.  He buttoned up each time and mumbled "mind my Mommy".  Thanks Ms. Jennifer!!!  I might shower her with a million gifts if she can keep this up!  
Beau really is the best little 22 month old ever.  I love his silly and strong-willed personality.  I love his eagerness to be involved with every single thing we do.  I love his chubby hugs.  I love that he loves pizza!  I love that he sings me songs in the sweetest, most innocent little voice ever.  I love that he (mostly) adores his big brother.  I love every minute that Beau is being Beau.  I can't believe he will be 2 so soon.  Happy 22 months, Beau!

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