Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Trains at NorthPark

We made our annual visit to the Trains at NorthPark on Friday, and Nana met us there to join the fun!  Lincoln was so excited about all of the different landscapes, trains and train cars.  I can't decide which was his favorite . . . the State Fair of Texas display or the Thomas the Train display.  We definitely spent the most time checking those out. 
Beau had a great time too.  I think he loved that he got to be a big boy and see the trains just like Lincoln.  He sang "Choo Choo Boogey" a few times from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse movie!  I think his favorite thing was yelling out when he saw a Frosty or aSanta on a train car.  He did a lot of shouting! 
This picture is 100% typical of our family!  Lincoln is smiling super sweetly but definitely not looking at the camera, and Beau is eating something!  Seriously, I can't imagine a more true picture! 
Beau really enjoyed all of the Christmas activities that NorthPark had to offer.  We stopped to listen to a middle school band play Christmas Carols, and he was jamming out!  Poor thing almost jumped out of my arms when they began to play the Charlie Brown Christmas tune . . . so exciting!  Jingle Bells was a favorite of both boys.  They sang along, all the while envying the boy who was actually playing the jingle bells in the band!  After a yummy lunch, Beau rushed over to hear the choir singing carols.   
Lincoln made sure we stopped to visit the ducks and turtles, and he insisted that the turtles were saying "arf"!  I'm not sure where he got that, but he thought it was hilarious!  Linc also loved the band and choir, and he was glad to see that the Gingerbread Houses were still holding up from his last visit a few weeks ago.   
Before heading out, we stopped for a cookie break with Nana!  The boys picked M&M cookies, of course.  They were super yummy!  No trip to the mall is complete without a yummy cookie, right?
What a fun outing, and one that we will continue for years to come!  (Until they think Mommy and Nana and trains are totally uncool!)  We picked up a new pair of Christmas Eve pjs at Hannah Anderson while we were there.  Beau spotted the bag in my car the next morning, and his little brain went into overtime . . . he shouted, "Nana bag", "pjs", "Chick fil A", "yummy", "marching band", "drums", "jingle bells", "singing", "rain" in rapid fire!  I know he was remembering each fun event of our visit and yelling out the key words.  What a smartie!  I acknowledged each one, and he was looking proud of himself for remembering it all.  It was so much fun, how could we not remember it all!

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