Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, the time to pack away our Christmas decorations is here as well.  Nana, Marian, and Larry came over to play with (distract) Lincoln and Beau so I could work quickly and undisturbed.  Daddy was amazed that I had all of the stuff packed in storage boxes in an hour!  It is definitely easier to take it all down than put it all up.  I worked for hours on the garland in the living room and kitchen, but it came down in two minutes!  The boys helped take the ornaments off their tree and box them up.  The had to get a flashlight and make sure all of the ornaments were off!  Such little investigators!
We celebrated New Years Eve with Popsicles after dinner.  What more appropriate treat in the dead of winter than Popsicles, right?  Beau loves Popsicles and doesn't mind getting covered in sticky blue mess. 
Lincoln is a much neater Popsicle eater, so I'm hopeful Beau will be someday.  This one would eat Popsicles for breakfast if I would let him!  (Which I won't, but don't think he doesn't ask!) 
Ally gave Lincoln a cool 2013 calendar, and we are all excited to begin marking off each day with a sticker.  If it's true that time flies when you're having fun, then we're having a way too much fun!  This year has been crazy and amazing, and Lincoln and Beau make each day better.  As I wrap up my thoughts about this year, I've been thinking about a few things I've caught myself saying that I never imagined would come out of my mouth.
* "No, you can't have another chocolate kiss.  Here, have a glass of ice water!" (I didn't get a good response to that one from Beau!)
* "Uh oh!  Everyone come look for baby Jesus - he's missing!"  (We found him under the recliner safely lying in his manger, and returned him to the nativity scene.)
* "Quit playing in the Clorox!"  (I guess they were actually "on" the Clorox, but they shouldn't be dancing a jig on any cleaning products!)
* "Slow down with the cauliflower!  Eat your chicken and french fries too!"  (Seriously, that is said weekly.  They really like cauliflower, followed closely by broccoli.)
And my personal favorite . . . 
* "Stop kissing your brother's butt!!!!!"  (Linc was overwhelmed with love and kissed the nearest thing, which happened to be Beau's bottom!  I was dressing them in their pjs after a bath, so at least it was clean!  Daddy came running when he heard that one, and it took a little explaining!  I hope I never have to say that one again!)

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