Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Night

Happy kids make a happy Mommy! Lincoln and Beau were in great moods today, and I loved getting to laugh with them. Lincoln was a bottomless pit - he tried lasagna (score - he hates pasta and casserole type things, but liked this!), had a big dinner, and two snacks tonight. I couldn't fill him up! Beau got to try sweet potato fries tonight too. His dinner was baby sweet potatoes and cereal, but he got to snag a few of Linc's sweet potato fries. Yummy and no spit up! Another score! Linc hung out on the couch with his Cheerios for a bit, and actually looked at the camera while I took his picture.

Beau was all over the place tonight. He has reverted to Mommy-phase and follows me wherever I go. I can't even sit next to him; he must be ON me all of the time! I backed away quickly to take a cute picture of him. The blue shirt really brings out his amazing eyes!
Of course whatever Lincoln is doing, Beau wants to do too. Linc was looking at a Mickey Christmas book that Beau needed to get in on. He tried to sneak up from behind, but Linc noticed right away.

Beau was fascinated, while Lincoln was kind of tolerant. He informed me that Beau was touching him which still isn't always ok. Those expressions say it all!

For some reason, Lincoln decided to give Beau some love. He hugged him for at least 2 minutes, which is 1 minute and 50 seconds too long for Beau. I praised Lincoln for loving his brother and tried to get Beau to play along. (I would be lying if I said there weren't any tears after this exchange.)

What a fun night with my boys! I am always thankful of the days that we are all healthy and happy!

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