Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Visit 2011

We had an exciting Santa visit this year! Because my office is across the street from the Galleria, I hang out there often. I love their Santa and can keep tabs on what time of day the line is not too long! Nana joined us on Friday morning for our yearly visit. We have been discussing Santa often and what we should tell him when we go to see him. Lincoln was insistent on wearing his sunglasses on the way to the mall because "it so bright outside, Mommy!" (It had been raining for three days straight so the sunshine was a big change!) Because of my diligent reconnaissance, there was no line at the time we chose to visit Santa! Score one for Mommy! I told him Santa would be waiting for him and would be very excited to meet him. I asked Linc if he wanted to take off his sunglasses before he talked to Santa, and he said no. Whatever! I pick my battles! Lincoln was ready to talk and told Santa he wanted two presents for himself, and that Beau should get two presents too. Santa asked if he had been a good boy, and Lincoln replied that "I been a bad boy yesterday Santa." Santa suggested that he be a good boy today because that's nice. Thanks Santa! Beau was pretty OK with the whole thing. He just sat there watching them talk. We had lunch at Corner Bakery, shopped a bit and Lincoln got to admire the ice skaters. Before we left, we stopped by Santa's Village to say Merry Christmas. Santa wasn't looking, so Lincoln yelled "Merry Christmas Santa! Bye Santa!" What a fun morning, and I'm so relieved no one cried!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

That picture is so classic! I love it! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas.