Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Fun

It was an especially fun Sunday, and we spent lots of family time just playing around. Lincoln got to enjoy the warmer weather on the playground after church, and that always makes his day! Beau found himself in many interesting predicaments while playing. He bulldozes over anything to get where he wants to go and sometimes gets in a little trouble. He's definitely in the throw every toy in sight stage. Fun!

I kept telling myself (for 9 months now) that one day the boys would really enjoy playing together. I was starting to wonder if that was going to come true, but they decided to surprise me. I got so many things done while they played. Beau doesn't need me to play with him if Lincoln is willing to do it. I kept sneaking glances at them as I passed by the playroom. So cute!
Linc decided to build a fort and invited Beau in. Of course Beau knocked down a block immediately, but they recovered! (Notice that Lincoln built windows in the fort-they yellow blocks stacked on top of each other. He thought that was very important to share!)

All of Linc's friends were moved to the floor by the tree for a better view, I guess. Instead of sitting with them for a picture, Lincoln just dove on top!

Beau and Mommy had a quick hug. I love Beau hugs, and he is usually agreeable to hugging. He's always trying to hug Lincoln, but Linc thinks that Beau is trying to attack him.

I had to stop a couple of slap fights, and calm a few crying spells, but overall they played great together. Daddy and Mommy got so many things accomplished - Christmas cards mailed, laundry put away (that one's a shocker!), floors swept and vacuumed, dinner prepared and cleaned up, toys vetted (to make room for new Christmas toys), and even our holiday grocery list and recipes prepped. I love that they had fun together, and I loved watching them interact as buddies (for the most part). They are brothers for life, and I'm glad they've started to get the hang of it!

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