Monday, December 5, 2011

Lincoln's Favorites

I played a fun game with Lincoln on the way to swimming lessons tonight called "What's Your Favorite?" We've been working on the concept of favorite or best, and we put it to the test. The results:

What's your favorite snack? Banana

What's your favorite drink? Milk

What's your favorite color? Brown (weird, but whatever!)

What's your favorite book? Charlie Brown Christmas

What's your favorite shirt? The red one

What's your favorite shoes? Crocs

What's your favorite Christmas carol? Deck the Halls

I'm anxious to see how these answers change as he gets older and as our life changes. Lincoln is such a smart little guy. He knows everything, and never lets one single thing pass without a comment. Occasionally I think I could get a minute of peace if he would just stop talking, but I remind myself that every sentence/question is his way of learning. I really love that he's so smart and interested in life.

Lincoln watches the traffic lights and tells me when to stop and when to go. He lets me know if I've taken a different (wrong to him) turn on the way home from school. I get an earful if I've forgotten something he asked for. He directs me to the correct aisles in the grocery store because he knows where everything is. He asks a million questions because he's always learning, and he remembers every answer I give. I don't dare make anything up because he'll call me on it later!
Lincoln is so full of life and truly an amazing kid. We had a fun swimming lesson tonight, and he was brave enough to try jumping to me in the pool. He's gotten to be a great swimmer but has been a bit too timid to jump. He realized it was fun tonight! Each day brings new knowledge and experiences, and he soaks in each new adventure. I have to bring my best just to keep up with him, and I know he's going to keep me on my toes for years to come. Beau always looks at Lincoln with amazement and adoration, and I kind of feel the same way. He's a pretty good big brother too, so we're all pretty lucky.

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