Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yummy Wise Men

The Little People Nativity is a big hit with Lincoln! We set up the nativity scene this week, and I told Lincoln the Christmas story. He patiently (sort of) listened as I told about Joseph and Mary and the birth of Jesus. Then he needed to get hands on with the characters . . . to really examine these people who had moved in to our living room. The animals were first and the wise men followed. He really enjoyed the wise men! It turns out they are really great to chew on. I don't think Lincoln has chewed on Baby Jesus yet, but I'm pretty sure he's tossed him around a few times. The angel plays Away in a Manger which causes Lincoln to dance, and it is too funny! I hope this is the reaction Mattel was going for!


Jamie said...

Ha! I love it! Linc is so cute! We have one too... hum I will have to go digging it out!

Hayley said...

I love our Little People Nativity Scene. We just got ours out today, and the pieces are now scattered throughout the house!

Cloth Diapers said...

I love the Nativty Scene. Need to find one of those for my baby.