Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Finally a Senior

It seems like yesterday when I first met my tiny newborn sister, Allyson. I was almost thirteen and dreaded the day a new baby would enter our family and change everything! The moment I held her was unforgettable, and my outlook was completely different. She was my sister and the cutest little thing ever. She was my little shadow and totally a mini-me (matching cheerleading suits and all). Kevin met Allyson when she was 7, and in true little sister fashion managed to embarrass him within minutes. She asked him right away if he loved me and if he kissed me. He wasn't prepared for a kid's awkward questions! We've watched her grow into a beautiful young lady faster than I could imagine, and she's now a senior in high school. She's smart, super athletic, sometimes pretty silly, and loves to laugh at my wild story-telling. We don't see her as often as I'd like, but through e-mail, text, phone calls and Skype we stay connected. She loves Lincoln and he loves her, and she teaches him something new each time. She's definitely not interested in changing a diaper and still freaks out at spit up, but she loves to play with him. He's lucky to have a cool Aunt Ally!

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