Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scottish Adventure

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than hanging out at the Highland Scottish Games in Arlington????  No, I'm serious!  Our family of four headed out to the UT Arlington campus to see the kilts, clans, and complete craziness so Daddy could visit with some work people.  Lincoln and Beau spent a little time with me walking around and taking in all of the sights.  We saw little girls doing traditional Scottish dances in full attire, old men playing bagpipes galore, a Scottie puppy show, and even a storyteller with Scottish tales of yore . . . it was interesting!  The people there were totally into their heritage, so I'm not making fun of anything.  It's just not what I normally see on a Saturday.  It was also a little warm, but we had lots of water and sunscreen.
 We wandered over to the children's tent and found this lady dressed as a fairy singing along with a dude playing the harp. 
 This is the look Lincoln gave the fairy and harpist . . . I'm thinking he's never seen anything like this before!  Beau and I were kind of feeling the same way.
 We hit up the children's activities, and everyone had fun.  There was a kilted man acting as a guard, and you were supposed to charge him to gain entrance to the castle for some super important rise-up against the king thing . . . we passed on that one.  Instead we went to the carry the (cardboard) log to the 10 yard line (on the football field) and toss it as far as you could.  Either this was a serious part of the logging business in ancient Scotland or just a fun weekend contest of who was the strongest . . . not sure.  Anyway, Lincoln had lots of fun with it. 
 Of course Beau was not going to miss out on any fun, so we found him a small (cardboard) log.  He chased Lincoln around the field with glee.  He never got the hang of throwing it, but at least he got to participate. 
 Scottish loggers in action . . .
What a fun event!  I'm not sure I like that we have to drive all the way to Arlington, but the boys were pretty good in the car.  Lots of eating, book-reading and movie-watching made it a successful trip.  The rest of our day was pretty uneventful with nice naps and a yummy dinner at Snuffers.  Happy Saturday!

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