Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bedtime Sweeties

I couldn't resist taking a picture of my two sweeties while reading our bedtime stories tonight.  They are so grown up to bathe together, but they are taking it to a whole new level to read bedtime books together.  We start in Lincoln's room for two books.  Beau used to only be mildly interested so it was just Linc and me in the chair.  Sometimes he got his own book and sat in the little chair next to us and pretended to read.  All of a sudden he's decided that he wants in on the action with his big brother.  Linc was a little confused at first but welcomed Beau to the nightly ritual.  I sat on the floor and read them Lincoln's two current favorite books, God's Way (Nana found it in storage-one of Kevin's favorite books when he was a little tot) and Biscuit Christmas.  (We seriously have no holiday boundaries around here - we watched the Valentine's Day Charlie Brown special this weekend!)  Beau and I tuck Linc in then go have a bit of milk and a special Beau and Mommy book in his room.  He picks No No Yes Yes every night, and it is one of the cutest books ever.  (Ally introduced us to this one, and I've given it as a baby gift several times.)  I love happy and clean kiddos, and these two are just the best!  Happy sleep everyone!

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