Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Fun

Busy Friday!  We began our day at the hospital . . . but no one was ill!  Lincoln's preschool is associated with a local hospital (future doctor!), and their end of the year program is at the hospital next week.  We went up to practice this morning after Linc had a little panic moment at school practice yesterday.  After a little anxiety, he really got to feel comfortable up there.  I am proud of him for finally getting into it.  He said his line and sang the song with glee!  Beau was thrilled to run around on the stage too. 
 After our program practice, we headed to the library.  Linc checked out two books, which he's already memorized!  He was sure to tell me that Snoopy goes to the library in Charlie Brown movie, so he likes the library too.  Beau was quiet-ish.  He was nice enough to pull a million books from the shelves, while I frantically chased him and returned them to their shelves.  We'll be frequenting the library lots now.  It's so close to our house, and it's totally free!  Kevin was totally amazed by that!
The playground was our next stop, and everyone was excited to play.  Beau loved to act like a big boy and monster around the playground.  I was thankful that he sought out the shade . . . it was a little warm today. 
 Linc was a crazy slider today, and Beau was happy to celebrate each slide!  Yay for the park!
 Such sweet boys having fun together!  I could do this everyday . . . well, at least I can do today! 
We headed home for lunch, naps and a movie after our whirlwind morning.  What a fun Friday!  

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I love the library too! It is a great outing when it gets too hot to be outside. Enjoy your weekend!