Saturday, May 26, 2012


On this warm Saturday afternoon, we decided to hang out in the water.  Our summer pool spot is still a few days away from opening (they remodeled and are in the final stages), so we got out our little splash pool and hit the backyard.  I was sure that Beau would really take to the water - I was wrong!!!  He was terrified of the water shooting up from the sides of the pool.  If Lincoln even came near him while splashing, Beau would erupt in a fit of tears. 
 Big brother Lincoln stepped up and helped Beau get over his fears.  A few minutes of being silly showed Beau that it was OK to relax. 
 Whew!  This is much better now that it's not scary! 
 Our splash time was pretty long . . . almost an hour.  That's pretty long for a 1 and 3 year old.  By the end, Linc was literally swinging from the beams.  He would stand at the edge of the water, jump to grab the swing set beam, and swing like a monkey.  He loved it! 
 Linc took a water break to climb a bit.  Beau was looking so tortured below.  I have to be honest and say there was a little "Na Na Na Boo Boo, you can't get me" from Linc.  I told him that was not nice to tease Beau. 
 Beau totally knew what Linc's next move would be, so he ran to the bottom of the slide to wait on Linc to come down.  He loves to "get" him as he whizzes by! 
Other than the fact that I absolutely hate dirty, wet or muddy children, we all had fun.  I hosed them both down before we went inside.  Then we immediately took sink baths to further de-grime!  Rest assured ... the splash pool is drained, completely cleaned and ready for our next afternoon outing.  I'm not sure when I'll be up for another round of afternoon of mud, but it will probably happen sooner than later.  I'm thinking it's gonna be one hot and muddy summer . . .

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