Friday, May 4, 2012

Playing School

The boys stayed home with Nana and Pops today, and everyone had lots of fun!  I would normally stay home on Friday, but we had a mix-up at work . . . I'm sure Linc and Beau weren't bothered by the change.  I know they did lots of playing and learning.  After a yummy dinner (thanks for getting us Mi Co, Pops!)  and a stroller run, we played school.  Beau is really getting into reading.  He sometimes gets to play with Lincoln's books, and that's a real treat. 
 He was really getting into it!  He does lots of "talking" as he turns the pages!  He also loves to sit in the "big" chair in Lincoln's room.  It's the little things in life . . .
 Lincoln is really into the Biscuit books that Nana brought.  His teacher told me that those are the books they use to learn to read.  I'm not trying to teach him to read yet, but they are fun and simple and offer repetitive words and phrases so kids can learn to recognize words.  He loves them!
 After our reading lesson, we got out the nap mats.  Both boys ran straight for them to lay down!  So cute!  I don't know how the teachers (beginning at age 1) manage to get them to nap on cots with these nap rolls.  I guess the kids just follow along with everyone else in the class. 
 I got a few funny looks while I was asking for "cheese".  Like, really Mom . . . we're done with that camera!
We had such a fun Friday evening.  Everyone was happy to play together, eat a yummy dinner, enjoy a ride in the double stroller, and have a fun snack.  I even managed to get the boys to help me put away the laundry . . . score!

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