Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beau is 14 Months Old!

Beau is 14 months old!  I can definitely say that he's a spirited little guy, and I mean that in a (mostly) good way.  Beau can be the sweetest and cuddliest thing then turn into an angry toddler in a second.  He just likes to get his way, and he's very sure of what that is.  Beau is also so funny and becoming so silly, and he loves to laugh and play.  Outside time is the best, and he often stands at the door asking to go out.
 What a great eater Beau is!!  He's weighing in at 27 pounds, and he never misses a meal.  He has a wide range of foods that he likes and is pretty game to try anything.  I've only found a few things that he doesn't like (deli ham/turkey and steamed green beans).  He is an excited eater and a messy one, too.  Beau doesn't like to waste food . . . he dropped a french fry between his belly and the tray and spent 3 minutes trying to figure out how to suck in so he could grab the fry.  He got it and smashed it in his mouth quickly!  I love that he is a good eater, and that he's into pretty healthy stuff.  We're mostly into baked fish or chicken nuggets, lots of steamed veggies, tons of fruit, crackers and yogurt.  Oh, I can't leave out the obsession for Mini Vanilla Wafers . . . it's serious for both Lincoln and Beau.  We go through at least a box each week! 
 Beau has really began to make lots of words and sounds lately.  Of course he says Mama, Dada, bye-bye and uh-oh, but he's added cup, ball, nana, bubbles, cookie, cracker and maybe a few others I can't remember.  He understands when we leave somewhere that he should wave and say bye-bye.  My sweet baby also learned how to kiss recently!  He smashes his face into my cheek and says mmmmm.  It's the best!  He's definitely perfected uh-oooh (as he says it), and this picture shows his sweet face while he says that over and over and over!
 Moving up to the Toddler Room has been so great for Beau.  Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Sonya are the best and were so excited to get Beau after they loved Linc so much.  He comes home humming and doing the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider, he is really trying to sing the ABCs and can get the melody of the first part, and he LOVES The Wheels on the Bus.  Mostly he loves to squat and stand (on the part where the kids on the bus go up and down) and squeal "UP UP UP".  Soooo cute! 
Because this post is all about celebrating 14 month old Beau, I won't share much of the not-so-great moments.  However, I do need to note that this evening was our first "color on the wall" experience.  Beau came wandering into Lincoln's room with a purple and a green crayon in his hands.  He dropped them almost immediately and went for the book basket, and I didn't give it a thought . . . until I happened to look in the hall by his doorway and saw lots of fresh art!!!!  We talked about it, and I'm sure he'll never do it again!  He has been learning about sharing lately and is doing ok.  He and Linc have to take turns with everything, and I know that's a hard lesson to learn.  Beau loves to play with his big brother, loves to have Linc sing to him, and loves to mimic him.  What a super cool little 14 month old Beau is!!

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