Saturday, May 12, 2012

Little Thief!

There is a thief disguised as a cute little one year old living here!  Beau is always on the lookout for cell phones lying around.  He's partial to the iPhone, but I suspect he would snag any other phone he saw. 
 He knows which phone belongs to Mommy and Daddy, and he is proud to find it and bring it to you.  He doesn't always hand it over though.  Sometimes he just wants us to know he has it then runs off squealing!
 He has such a sly look!
 Uh-oh . . . Mommy has created a serious situation.  What's more important, iPhone or graham cracker?  This is such a tough decision . . .
 Nope . . . not a tough decision at all.  The phone was returned in a matter of seconds. 
Silly Beau!  He loves remotes as much as phones and is constantly changing the channel on us.  He'll probably figure out how to use both the phone and remote better than Mommy before long!

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