Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Fun

Our Sunday began with church and a little playground time with the Brosnahan's. As he does each Sunday, Lincoln informed me that the slide on the church playground was not broken. I'm soooo sorry I told him it was broken one day - probably 6 months ago!!! He'll never forget that!!! After lunch we all gathered in the playroom for some family fun. Lincoln always wants Daddy on the floor with him. They take turns laying on big stuffed doggies, cover themselves with blankets, and pretend to sleep - until Lincoln squeals with laughter! He's obsessed with this game right now. He always asks to be covered up nicely though, saying "Please cover me up, Daddy." To make the game even more fun, he asks "Please make me dark, Daddy." Kevin loves this one - it means put the blanket over his head (so it's dark to Lincoln!). There was a lot of tickling, giggling, and laughing from the two of them. There may have been a few injuries too, as Lincoln is not delicate. He crashes into anyone and anything with reckless abandon. Daddy had to brace himself when Linc came charging!

Beau enjoyed being in the action without having to get injured! He likes to watch the silliness from a safe distance - smart kid! He discovered one of Lincoln's old trucks that sings and lights up, and he was in heaven!
Somehow he knew that he should push the truck and then crawl after it. I swear it's "boys instinct" to know how to play with trucks. Anyway, he would crawl after it every time!

Lincoln practiced his forward roll a lot. We tried to make a rule that he could only roll on the blanket, but he had a few misfires! He would take off rolling and crash into a chair, block, or (worse) Beau. Everyone survived and there will be lots more rolling! The picture doesn't demonstrate, but his forward rolls are very good. He hardly ever falls to the side, and usually completes the roll like a true gymnast! Rio 2016 Olympics?????

Since Lincoln was being still for .1 seconds, Beau dashed over to check him out closely. Don't worry, that didn't last long.

We had such a fun time playing together. Did I mention that this little play session occurred after lunch (12:45) until nap time (1:30)? We can pack a lot of fun in a short time!

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