Sunday, October 9, 2011

Band Practice

If I ever think there's nothing to do around here, I'm not thinking! There are lots of fun and free things right around us, and it's great to take the boys to experience new things. The University of Texas Longhorn Band was practicing their halftime show at the high school just a few blocks away, so we headed over to check it out. Lincoln was a little overwhelmed at first, I think because it was so loud. He soon overcame his timidness and wanted to sit closer to get a better look. He and Pops talked about all of the instruments. While we're not exactly Longhorn fans, it was still nice to see the show. Kevin had Linc saying "Boomer Sooner" during the game on Saturday to negate any Longhorn love that might have developed. I threw in a few "Pig Sooie's" for good measure.

Beau and Nana hung back a little, but Beau had a great time taking in all the sights and sounds. As long as I bring along a few toys for him to chew on, we're good to go! He's been in such a happy mood these last few days. I'm sure he loved the music too!

No offense to any of you bandies out there, but Kevin and I aren't really steering Linc or Beau to the French Horn! While he has a lovely singing voice, Linc may be as unmusically-inclined as we are! We spotted some baseball players to the side of the field and headed over to chat them up! That's a little more in our league!! I can't help but mention that Lincoln loved the RHS bathroom. We had to go three times during our hour visit. He didn't even need to go much, but he liked the "outside" (under the stadium seats) bathrooms. Whatever!!!

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