Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nana Day

Nana kept the boys today and was kind enough (as she usually is) to send me text pics of what they are up to! Of course breakfast is first, and that is a popular meal. I think I heard Lincoln directing Nana to get him a Pop Tart and a banana as I headed off to work, while Beau was getting amped up for bananas, cereal and milk. Apparently it was yummy! (Sorry I couldn't rotate the picture.)

After breakfast, reading class began. Lincoln set up the chairs for Ernie, Charlie, Elmo and Grover to read along with him. He's reading "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" for probably the millionth time. It's one of those books that plays sound as you read, and he loves to booty-shake when Halloween party music plays. I heard he gave Nana a lesson in booty-shaking!
Beau was amused with his toys while they big boys were reading. He has lots of fun watching what Lincoln is doing but also enjoys playing "baby" stuff as long as he's near the "Lincoln action".

While on their neighborhood walk, Lincoln decided he needed to check out everyone's pumpkins. He walked up to the porch of all the houses to inspect their display. The verdict = we need more pumpkins at our house! The three we have out front must not be enough! He also informed Nana that we needed flowers too.

I always know when it's a Nana Day that my boys will get lots of love and have lots of fun while I'm at work. Oh, and they're usually exhausted from all the fun! (I bet Nana is too!) Thanks Nana for loving on Linc and Beau and sending me pictures of my sweet kiddos.

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