Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Importance of Rain Boots

It's not hard to see from the many pictures of Lincoln in his rain boots, that these are a very important part of his life! On one of the few occasions that Linc wasn't wearing the boots, I put them on Beau for a laugh! (Luckily Lincoln thought it was funny!) Beau sure has big shoes to fill! He looks up to his big brother in every way. When I need a minute to finish dinner, I assign Lincoln the task of making Beau happy. If Beau is upset, I instruct Lincoln to show him one of his toys or sing to him. While Lincoln is singing, marching, jumping or running around the playroom, Beau is watching his every move with adoration. Lincoln is so proud when he gets Beau to stop crying. He says, "I make Beau no sad anymore, Mommy!" (Occasionally, Linc is the source of Beau's crying. I come in the room to a bawling Beau and ask what's happened. Linc responds, "I give Beau a squeeze hug and it make him sad.") I always praise him for his efforts because I want him to know what a good big brother he has to be! Beau is pretty amazing on his own, but I know the influence of his big brother is priceless! Beau has lots of hand-me-downs that he can make his own, but the sharing of Linc's precious rain boots was very important. Brotherhood is one strong bond!

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