Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lincoln's Light Bulb Burn

Saddest and funniest picture ever!!  The boys had fun in the tub during bath time, as usual.  Lots of playing with rubber duckies and splashing around.  I managed to get Lincoln clean and dressed then started on Beau.  Linc went to Beau's room to pick the bedtime story that they would enjoy together and turn on the lamp.  As I'm drying Beau off, Linc runs in screaming about his finger hurting.  I examine it and ask lots of questions, and we determine that he touched the light bulb after the lamp had been on for a while.  Ouch!!!  He was so upset and hurting!  We ran his finger under cold water to take away the heat, put Neosporin and a band aid on next, but those things were of no comfort to him.  A cold compress was the only thing that made Lincoln feel like his wound wasn't hurting.  Of course Beau was so interested in the drama, and he made up a fake hurting finger too!  He demanded a cold compress for his fake wound and giggled through the bedtime story while Linc was in pain!  Poor Lincoln learned his lesson about touching light bulbs, and he had to suffer the painful consequences.  He even went to sleep with his finger on the cold bag.  Luckily he woke up all healed, and there was no left over damage to his finger.  It's tough on everyone to learn a lesson like that, but we are all thankful that it was a small burn and healed quickly.  At one point, Linc told me that it would NEVER stop burning . . . I'm so glad that didn't come true.  Hopefully, Beau will remember this little lesson and not allow his curiosity to lead him to touch a hot light bulb.  I'm sure Lincoln will be happy to warn him!

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