Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Workout Buddies

I have a very enthusiastic group of workout buddies!  Pop Pop made them wooden "weights" so they could really participate, and they really exercise with gusto!  As soon as they see the DVD going in, they run for their weights and scream "essercise" over and over!  I know it's weird that they are only wearing underwear/diaper while exercising this evening, but we had just finished playing dress up in our Halloween costumes . . . because Halloween is never really over when such fun costumes are around!  The guys were really trying to mimic Jillian and do the stretches properly.  Nice form!
They got a little off the directions, but still had a blast lifting their weights up and squatting down.  I giggled watching their skinny (Linc) and chubby (Beau) bodies going through the moves! 
I actually try to NOT work out while they are awake . . . they may be the cutest workout buddies, but they are not good company for an intense and focused workout.  Lincoln likes to "help" push me with push ups, Beau likes to crawl under my legs during squats, Lincoln asks me 700 questions during the cardio segment when I can't breathe, Beau sits on my stomach during the abs portion, Lincoln needs me to stop and get him a drink of water, Beau pushes the buttons on the DVD player to mess up the feed, and on and on.  I guess I should be glad that they are interested in exercise, and that I am setting a good example for an active lifestyle.  Maybe they will develop more focus and take these workouts more seriously as they get older, and hopefully I will have two awesome workout buddies!

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